Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dollar Store Organization - The Glove Box

Hi Everyone!

I was roaming the web and saw this idea and thought it was great.  My husband who is a mechanic by trade also really liked this idea because he has to get into peoples glove boxes from time to time to retrieve keys  (wheel lock keys?????) and often finds a mess.  So, here is a quick organization project to clean up your glove box (or jockey box as my family calls it) and also supply some very important emergency information.

So, here's what I started with:

I thought I was doing pretty well considering the papers were not just stuffed in the glove box.

Here is what I created:

How to do it:

I purchased two poly-coupon organizers at the local dollar store, one for each vehicle.  There are five pockets inside with the following labels:

Insurance: self explanatory

Registration: also self explanatory

Receipts: Currently, I have our latest emissions report in here, I would also put other important auto receipts relating to the car (I don't have many because I'm married to a mechanic and he does all our car work; I know, I'm very fortunate).

Passengers: In this section, I have listed all the names of my family and our date of births on a 3x5 note card, just in case we were in an accident and someone was knocked unconscious and couldn't communicate.

Emergency Contacts: This section also contains a 3x5 card with names and telephone numbers of who to call in the event of an emergency.

I made a label, with red ink, for the front that reads: "Auto & Emergency Contact Information" in big letters so that hopefully it is obvious if someone other than myself needs info out of the glove box.

You could also say.......... that it would make things a little easier if you just so happened to get pulled over for speeding or texting (okay, you know you deserve it if you're texting and driving).  A little less sorting through a mess to find what you need.

There it is, a simple and CHEAP organizing project.

Many blessings to you!  Home Centered Girl.

p.s. you can also see this project and many other fun ones over at Not Just A Housewife (click here)

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