Tuesday, March 5, 2013

DIY Mason Jar Soap Dispenser

Hello!  Today I'm going to give you a tutorial on making a mason jar soap dispenser.  Well, this idea is definitely not original, I've seen it on a few places over blog land, but I really like that it has a "home-made" unique look.  The best part for me was that the total cost was FREE!  I just used supplies I had around the house.  Here is what you need to make this one:

-canning jar
-canning ring (screws on the outside of the jar to hold lid on)
-canning lid
-pump (I used one from an old lotion bottle)
-hot glue gun
-spray paint
-something to make a hole in the canning lid (Mr. Home Centered drilled a hole in the middle and then used metal shears to expand it so that the pump would fit inside).
-scrap book paper
-something to water proof the scrap book paper

The Process:
First I spray painted the pump and canning ring with a black glossy spray paint.  Yes, the spray paint had a little hard time sticking to the plastic pump.  This is my one lesson learned in this process.  Ideally, you want to use a pump that is already the color you want for the dispenser.  I will be keeping my eye out for a black pump.  For now, the spray paint and touch up black marker are working for me.

Next, I had my husband drill a hole in the lid and then expand it with shears so that the pump could fit inside.  CAUTION: you should protect your eyes with safety glasses if you are using a drill, and be careful with your hands.  This process creates some sharp metal edges.
And, yep; he's a total Keeper!

Next, use the canning lid as a template and cut the scrap book paper to fit.  To water proof it, I used my laminator.  If you don't have a laminator, you could whip up a home made modge podge mixture using Elmer's glue and water; paint the paper with the mixture (front and back) and let it dry.  If you're an artist, you might have some gel medium laying around which would have the same effect.  Or, the local printing store would water proof this tiny piece of paper for less than a dollar.  It is going to get wet when you wash your hands, so you want to protect it.  Another idea would be to use some kind of plastic film for the top.  An overhead projector sheet would do the trick.  Just be creative.  You can probably find a solution  in your home somewhere.
****** you could skip this step entirely by just spray painting the lid as well******* 

Now you need to attach the pump to the lid.  I used a large "blob" (technical term) of hot glue.

Now you assemble!

Pretty simple huh?  What do you think; would you make one in your own home?


  1. I am concerned that your husband was not wearing gloves while handling sharp metal.

  2. Thank you for your concern Nismo1010. I will let Mr. Home Centered know.... :)

  3. I really like this project. My Husband as a school teacher receives many homemade jams and jellies from students using these jars. This is practical and has personality as well. Keep the good ideas coming.


Thank you for leaving your input! Home Centered Girl