Monday, February 4, 2013

Welcome! ....And How to Decorate Using Old Windows

Hello! Thank you, THANK YOU, for taking time to read my blog.  This is DAY ONE  for me and I’m rather excited!!!  I love reading about all things “home centered”.  This blog will feature organizational tips, home décor items, and every so once in a while I will throw in a favorite recipe.  I immensely appreciate you stopping by.  It’s a dream that maybe this blog will turn into a job for me one day, but for now it will be a wonderful creative outlet for this God fearing OCD creative.  Many blessings to you!

So…………….. lets jump into it!!!

I’m going to give a little DIY tutorial on this project, because I get asked about it a lot in our home.  I’m completely addicted to garage sales and this huge window was a garage sale find.  I think I spent $20.00 on it at the most.  For you seasoned garage salers, you may be saying, “I never spend 20 bucks at a garage sale”, and I usually keep it below that, but this beauty is 4.5 ft. tall x 5.5 ft. wide and that’s pretty cheap for a huge piece of art.

This is one way to turn an old window into a photo collage.  It sits on a dresser (another cheap garage sale find), in our entry way.

 Here's another angle:

I didn’t do before shots (sorry,this was done before the blog), but I will take you through it step by step.

1.                  I’m a little freaked out by lead paint and know that there is definitely some lead paint on this window some where.  I actually bought two other smaller windows at the same time (with the same white finish) and took them to a local paint store and asked if the finish was a lead paint.  They confirmed that it had been repainted by then, so I hung it up……. (actually it drove my husband crazy in the garage until I figured out what to do with it). 
2.                  Then I picked a fabric for the inside of some of the panes.  I chose this fabric from a little quilt shop in Cannon Beach, OR when we were on vacation, so it has some sentimental value.

3.                  Next I had some 8x10 photos printed up at Costco because they were the cheapest place to have them printed.
4.                  Next came mounting everything.  After some trial and error, I found the best way to attach the fabric (cut to size) was with a hot glue gun.  The pictures are actually mounted with a piece of small clear tape (photo friendly) in each corner.  Yes, the tape is noticeable if you look really hard, but who cares; they are also easy to change out.
5.                  One more thing about the window.  We mounted hanging hardware to it, and yes you can see one of the wires through one of the pains.  This is on a future project list to do something about, but for now it doesn’t drive me crazy.  Currently, its actually sitting on the dresser instead of hanging on the wall.

Other ideas for old windows:

I’ve seen the glass panes painted with chalk board paint, coat rack hardware attached to the bottom; you could even mount cork to the glass and use it as a message board.  There are many possibilities with them, you just have to be creative.

Thanks for reading!!!! – Home Centered Girl


  1. Love the idea, Heather. Very creative!

    1. Thank you Debbie! So appreciate you reading and commenting :).


Thank you for leaving your input! Home Centered Girl