It's been a little longer than I like in between posts. What can I say, life is busy for everyone. :) Today I wanted to share with you an idea I got off of another blog I love The writer, Jen, made a Daily Duties Check-Off List click here that she attached to her fridge. I loved her idea and created one of my own. Here's the project:
What it is:
A framed check-off list of daily, weekly, bi-monthly, quarterly, and bi-annual duties that's attached to the fridge. I use wet erase markers to check off items and erase/re-use the next day.
If you love to make lists (or need to in order to remember things). You might really love this idea. It's also an answer to constant sticky notes or random lists on the kitchen counter. Instead of using paper, you use wet erase markers on the glass of the frame.
How I made it:
I used a 10 x 13 frame I purchased at a garage sale (I think I spent $1); it had a mat inside of it. I actually used the mat (which I painted yellow) for a while, but now I have a regular 8 x 11 sheet of paper (the check off list) mounted on a piece of scrapbook paper and cut to fit the frame.
Next came attaching it to the fridge. I used 3M removable hanging strips that I attached to the back of the frame and fridge. These are supposed to come off the fridge without damaging it and the ones I purchased hold around 10 pounds. I found these strips at Joann Fabrics.
I made a list (in Excel) that has check off boxes with the following categories:
Daily Duties: making the bed, cleaning the kitchen, sweeping the floor, defrosting dinner, blank lines so that I can add things to remember (phone calls, etc...). It's a daily list of things I like to complete in order to feed my OCD method and order cravings. I also have a section where I record due dates for library books from the local public library and church library.
Weekly Duties: This includes vacuuming upstairs, wiping down bathroom counters, cleaning toilets, laundry, anything I do about once a week. In the summer, this list includes outdoor activities such as mowing the lawn (hubby's activity), fertilizing plants, and weeding the garden.
Bi-Monthly Duties: This list includes: mopping the floors, thoroughly cleaning the bathrooms, making my grocery menu, cleaning out the fridge, clean out the microwave, washing the sliding glass doors, etc.
Quarterly Duties: This section includes dusting the top of the fridge and ceiling fan, vacuuming the inside of the couch (my husband is rather particular about this, he says that he had a "bad experience" whatever that means :)), and laundering the bathroom rug.
Bi-Annual Duties: this includes changing the furnace and fridge filters, cleaning out the garage, and sorting through all of our clothes.
On the list itself:
Each item has a box to be checked off and I recommend you use a wet erase marker. Dry erase markers work, but they don't have a fine point. I purchased my wet erase markers at a local office supply store. You know, those markers your teacher used on the old school projectors in primary school and then wiped off with a wet rag.
FEATURE!!! I'm so excited to show you the version one of my best friends, a fellow God Fearing OCD Creative, made of this project. You know all those pops of aqua and chartreuse green that are popping up all over home decor. My friend, "Lizard" (that's her nickname, but she's actually a gorgeous blond), used this project as an opportunity to introduce those colors to her kitchen. She transformed a goodwill frame with a little paint and used the same method (3M strips) to mount it to the side of her fridge. Check it out (see the aqua coming through under the green):
This chick is so creative around her house. I'll be begging to feature some of her other DIY projects. She has the best ideas and vision when it comes to art and creative projects.
So what do you think? If the exhaustive list is not for you, I think the frame could be filled with blank paper instead and could still be used as a place to list out items/duties you need to remember to complete on any given day. Maybe even a sheet of paper with ten lines numbered 1., 2., 3.,....... You could say its a green approach for the compulsive list maker.
Leave me a comment if you liked this post or think you'll attempt a similar project. If you would like me to email you a copy of the list I created in Excel for you to use at home, leave me a comment or message me on Facebook.
So here it is again:
God bless you! Home Centered Girl